Friday, October 17, 2008

Well, the open house interview at Square 2 Marketing went well. A little different, definitely cost effective from their stand point. But also good from mine. Hell of a long commute, but...

There were five others interviewing, some for the same position, Marketing Consultant, some for designer jobs. From the firm's standpoint, it was a team approach, which was similar to my other recent agency interview at Digitas. But this time everyone showed up! At both Digitas interviews, the senior account executive couldn't be bothered to sit in on the interview. "Called away to a client emergency..." on one of the occasions. No explanation on the other miss.

The Square 2 crew, Mike, Eric and the rest, seems sharp (Hi gang!). Love what their doing, it's in line with the latest, and best thinking on how to run permission marketing programs. Name drops of Seth Goodin, and the E-Myth guy, so I knew they have their heads in the right place. And it shows from what they're practicing on their site and in their business. Eric talked alot about process and procedures and systems. All E-Myth stuff. Plus used the example of the pie lady who started her own shop. A good reminder, and resonated with me.

I was with another candidate for the Marketing Consultant job, Ross, and it was insightful to see what's going through another person's mind when the questions come. I know I felt comfortable because I hadn't expected to come out with some of the stuff I discussed but it all felt natural and was on topic, even surprised myself with my candid response to Eric's question of "what's your plan?" Of course, I was the third person asked this so had time to prepare, but didn't prepare to talk about some of what I did.

They're looking for a speedy turnaround on the decision for next steps with candidates. So should hear soon. They were just sitting down to hash things out when I left about 8:40 pm. Got to love that about a small business, no process delays or political BS or coordinating with some outside recruiter. Just talk to me and tell me what you think. Thumbs up or thumbs down, don't make me wait around.

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