Friday, August 22, 2008

Job Ding a Ling

Well, got another few job Dings this week.  Not too surprising, but the ad agency gave me the thumbs down yesterday after a somewhat disappointing interview Monday.  Not a big deal, though I would have liked it to work out.  Wasn't meant to be.  A few other dings, also no surprise and even less of a big deal.

Meantime, I had a good phone interview Wednesday with WL Gore in the Wilmington area. This is a company I've known about since business school due to their impressive organization and results.  They've been on the Fortune 100 best placed to work for 11 years.  Sounds like a really cool place.  It would be great to have an interview there, meet more of the people one on one.  But working there logistically might be a headache.  Long drive.  Perhaps we would have to move.  But we'll burn that bridge when we come to it.  If we come to it.  

Otherwise, keeping busy with my internet scams and free work (understanding online media world and setting up to help a company that has no revenue).  I guess it's all free work isn't it?

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